

Kolibri is an Tezos based stablecoin built on Collateralized Debt Positions (CDPs) known as Ovens.


Kolibri uses CDPs (referred to as an Oven) to collateralize a soft pegged USD-stable value asset, kUSD.

Each Oven has four functions:

  • Deposit: Place XTZ into the Oven
  • Withdraw: Remove XTZ from the Oven
  • Borrow: Borrow kUSD against the Oven using XTZ as collateral
  • Repay: Repay kUSD that was borrowed against the Oven.

Stability Fee

A stability fee is applied to borrowed kUSD. It is accrued in terms of kUSD. It is percentage based fee applied to all outstanding kUSD (borrowed kUSD + stability fee). Interest is assessed every minute (about every block on the Tezos chain). The stability fee is adjusted via governance to increase or decrease the incentives to borrow or repay kUSD if the asset loses a peg.

Negative stability fees are not supported in Kolibri but may be added in the future via a contract upgrade.

Collateralization Ratio

In order to remain solvent, an Oven must maintain a minimum collateralization ratio. The collateralization ratio is computed as:

Collateralization Ratio = ((XTZ in Oven * Price of XTZ/USD) / (Borrowed kUSD + Stability Fees)) * 100 

If a Oven drops below the collateralization ratio, then it is said to be under collateralized. Oven owners should take care to keep their position above the collateralization ratio, by either locking more XTZ or repaying kUSD when the collateralization ratio drops.

The Kolibri system will prevent users from borrowing kUSD such that an Oven becomes under collateralized, or withdrawing XTZ to cause the Oven to become undercollateralized. However, the price of XTZ still fluctuates, which means an Oven can become undercollateralized without user action. At that point, a liquidation process kicks in to restore stability to the system.

Compound Interest Calculations

Kolibri maintains a constant, called stabilityFee which calculates interest. The stability fee is a fixed interest amount, calculated on a 60 second basis. GUIs should choose to display this interest amount as an APY.

Rather than calculate compound interest, Kolibri uses a linear approximation to calculate interest. That is to say that if two time periods have elapsed then the interest calculation will be:

newInterest = oldInterest * (1 + (numPeriods * stabilityFee))

Kolibri compounds interest within every call to the system. Given high enough usage, the system will be called at least every 60 seconds, which means interest will compound as expected. In periods of low usage, the interest will be linearly approximated, which is believed to be negligible in a system which represents numbers as small as 10^18.

Interest Calculations on Ovens

Calculating interest on a potentially unbound number of Ovens is not feasible in a system like Tezos where you pay per unit of computation. To solve this, Kolibri introduces the idea of an Interest Index.

The Minter contains a Global Interest Index. This value is initially set to 1. Each Oven contains its own Interest Index. This value is set to the value of the Global Interest Index at origination time for the Oven.

Whenever the Minter is invoked, it compounds the Global Interest Index, using the elapsed time, stability fee, and linear approximation technique described above.

When an Oven is originated, the Minter calculates the current Global Interest Index and gives it to the Oven. Whenever an Oven interacts with the Minter, the following process occurs:

  • Minter recalculates Global Interest Index
  • A ratio is calculated between the Global Interest Index and the Oven's Interest Index to determine the interest the Oven has accrued
  • The Oven's Interest Index is updated to be the same as the Global Interest Index


Kolibri needs accurate data to function. Data is provided via the Harbinger Price Feed via the Oracle contract. The Oracle contract is replaceable and can be replaced to pull from another data source if needed.