
Oven Contract


An oven contract is a simple key-value store which holds data about a CDP and the CDP's collateral. Oven's provide their data and collateral into the Kolibri system and receive outputs and collateral from the Kolibri system in a callback to update their state.

Trusted Code

Oven's are not upgradeable via governance, and their code is trusted in the system. Allowing a governance upgrade to the Oven could modify behavior maliciously to steal funds.

The only logic in Ovens is:

  1. Convert mutez (specified in 10^-6) to Kolibri's 10^-18 precision
  2. ACL Checking

ACL Checking

Only the Oven's owner can invoke the withdraw, borrow or repay functions. This prevents other user's from performing actions that affect the owner's collateral. Additionall, the setDelegate operation in the Oven is also protected behind this ACL.

The Oven allows anyone to call the default (aka deposit) endpoint. This is because Ovens can be delegated to bakers who will want to pay out funds.

Core Upgrade Path

All Ovens must point to the core contract in order to operate with the Kolibri system. The core is upgradeable via governance, where a new core contract is deployed and other contracts point to it. Since ovens are immutable, they will always point to the same contract.

To solve this, an OvenProxy sits between all Ovens and the core contract. The OvenProxy can be upgraded to point at a new core contract, if needed. Ovens still point to the same OvenProxy and don't need to be modified.

If the OvenProxy needed to be upgraded, then the existing OvenProxy could be wired to attach to a new OvenProxy.

Oven Upgrade Path

OvenFactory originates Oven contracts. If a new Oven contract is needed, then OvenFactory will need to be upgraded via governance. Old Ovens cannot be forced to be upgraded. Instead, the OvenProxy could be changed via governance to point to an alternative core contract which could levy additional fees or taxes on old Oven contracts to incentivize upgrades.

This is a complicated and work intensive process. Oven contracts are designed to be as simple as possible and upgradees are not expected to be required.

State Machine

Ovens exist in two states:

  • Not Liquidated
  • Liquidated

Ovens defer the meaning of this state to the core contracts and simply update the state according to the callback.


The Oven stores the following:

  • owners (address): The owner of the oven, used for ACL checking.
  • borrowedTokens (nat): The number of tokens borrowed against this oven.
  • stabilityFeeTokens (int): The number of tokens accrued in stability fees against borrowed tokens.
  • interestIndex (int): The local interest index for this oven.
  • isLiquidated (bool): Indicates if the oven is liquidated.
  • ovenProxyContractAddress (address): The address of the OvenProxy which proxies all calls into the core.

No storage parameters are governable.


The Oven has the following entrypoints:

  • default: Deposit collateral into the Oven.
  • withdraw: Remove collateral from the Oven.
  • borrow: Borrow tokens against the collateral in the Oven
  • repay: Repay tokens borrowed against the collateral in the Oven.
  • setDelegate: Set (or clear) the delegate for the Oven.
  • liquidate: Initiate liquidation of the oven if it is under collateralized.
  • updateState: Receives a callback from Kolibri's core. This entrypoint may only be called by ovenProxyContractAddress.